How to debug local web php application running on LAMPP localserver.


✪ Cryptowallets BITCOIN, ETHERIUM, MONERO creation

How to create wallet for cryptocurrences Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero and some exchange moments.

✪ Beautifulsoup lib basics

Beautifulsoup python parsing library general notes.


SELENIUM browser automation tool. General consideration.


Virtual enironment creation to make system more stable.

✪ !!!Ubuntu install on Window10 machine

I am tired how slow and dumb is Windows operating shistem (or spyshistem) and finally I want to install Ubuntu linux over it. But unfortunatly I still need Windows shistem to be installed because it is related with my work. So I need dual-boot.


✪ Python tips

Python scripting issues I've solved.

✪ Python. Image background random generator

I want to create random background generator to create random layer for my composed images.