I have to find some solution to change my IP address.
1.1. Proxyxhains is a tool that allow to set group of proxies.
1.2. To setup proxy on linux for command line use bash shell variable http_proxy. $ export http_proxy="https://<server-name>:<port-name>/ " or $ export https_proxy // BUT it works only from command line like $ wget etc.
1.2.1. To watch enviroment variable $ echo $USER
1.3. How to check for proxies list which proxies work.
1.3.1. Read string with proxy from a file:
while read a; do
echo "$a"
1.3.2. To get first word make array from line:
while read -a array; do
echo "${array[0]}"
1.3.3. Draft of testing script:
while read -a array; do
for i in {2..6}; do # iterate over string items to find http
if [[ ${array[$i]} == http* ]]; then # check if http or https
for ((j = 1; j <= i-1; j++)); do # iterate over port values
export ${array[$i]}_proxy="${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ " # set shell variable to current url
wget "www.google.com" # Check if proxy works
if [ $? == 0 ]; then # if previous command successed
printf "${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ is good \n "
printf "${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ doesn't work \n "
done Spaces is very important in bash scripting.
1.3.4. How to make time limitation or timeout if script command runs slow and resume script. I have to somehow get PID of a wget command and stop it in 10 second. // To get PID use wget & pid=$! The simplest way is to use timeout 30s <comman name>
1.3.5. How to write into file's string. To add an element to the end of an array array[${#array[@]}]="Some element" // ${#array[@]} quantity of array elements
1.3.6. Final version:
trap "echo The script is terminated; exit" SIGINT SIGHUP SIGQUIT SIGABRT
Timeout=30 # 30 sec
while read -a array; do
for i in {2..6}; do # iterate over string items to find http
if [[ ${array[$i]} == http* ]]; then # check if http or https
for ((j = 1; j <= i-1; j++)); do # iterate over port values
printf "${array[$i]} | ${array[$j]} \n" # debug
export ${array[$i]}_proxy="${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ " # set shell variable to current url
sleep 2
timeout 10s wget "www.google.com" # Check if proxy works
if [ $? == 0 ]; then # if previous command successed
printf "${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ is good \n "
array[${#array[@]}]="GOOD!" # add "GOOD" to the array end
printf "${array[*]} \n" >> test101.txt # Write into file
printf "${array[$i]}://${array[0]}:${array[$j]}/ doesn't work \n "
array[${#array[@]}]="bad" # add "GOOD" to the array end
printf "${array[*]} \n" >> test101.txt # Write into file
done There is also online proxy checkers like proxyscrape.com/online-proxy-checker
1.3.7. Check proxy route with traceroute command. // It doesn't help because it use ICMP instead of http.
1.3.8. How to get only http response header.
1.3.9. How to get proxy from vpn app.
1.4.1. spys.one/en/free-proxy-list/ // Good https and socks5 proxies proxyscrape.com/free-proxy-list // Small list free-proxy-list.net // Mostly http. But it is good big list. sslproxies.org // Good and big list. openproxy.space/list // Is a bad list doesn't work freeproxylists.net // Good list with filters The list proxy-list.download/HTTPS is good webshare.io/features/free-proxy
1.4.2. hide me free
1.4.3. windscribe net
1.4.4. protonvpn com
1.4.5. atlasvpn com
1.4.6. Hotspot Shield
1.4.7. While I set socks5 proxy Browser give me a security alert.
1.4.8. kproxy.com is an ONLINE proxy (like gugle translator) // Works
1.4.9. whoer.net/webproxy // Doesn't work 4everproxy.com // Doesn't work
1.4.10. proxysite.com is online proxy // Works
1.4.11. megaproxy.com/freesurf/ is ONLINE proxy // Doesn't work
1.4.12. croxyproxy.com is online proxy // Works
1.4.12. proxyium.com // Works