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✪ Como limpiar la swap en ubuntu y mejorar el uso de la RAM

Cuando estoy trabajando con mi Ubuntu portátil swap la memoria ocupa demasiado espacio y la máquina se vuelve más lenta.

Quiero hacer ubuntu tan rápido como sea posible. 

✪ Linux small issues

List of my Linux basic problems.

✪ Forget Lubuntu password

What if you forget Linux lubuntu system password? How to enter to system.

✪ Ubuntu elements are too small

What to do if items on screen are too small.


Check if USB device connection has been established on ubuntu.

✪ !!!Ubuntu install on Window10 machine

I am tired how slow and dumb is Windows operating shistem (or spyshistem) and finally I want to install Ubuntu linux over it. But unfortunatly I still need Windows shistem to be installed because it is related with my work. So I need dual-boot.


✪ GUI Linux

How to optimize GUI graphical user interface desktop on Linux.