Linux tools for networking

Which tools linux has to maintain your privacy in Internet.

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1. It is important to spoof IP address -S <IP_Address>

2. I’ve installed NMAP with snap never do this. You’ll get error Couldn't open a raw socket. Error: Permission denied (13).

2.1. I’ve deleted snap version $ sudo snap remove nmap

3. Install nmap $ sudo apt-get install nmap


1. slurm. Traffic monitoring tool
1.1. $ slurm -i wlpls0

2. ss
2.1. Use -s option.
2.2. $ ss -tulpn shows names of processes

3. tcpdump. Extremly good it dumps all traffic.
3.1. Use command $ sudo tcpdump -nnSX port 443 to get http traffic. -X is usefull options it shows pocket itself.
3.2. $ sudo tcpdump -X icmp serves to monitor only ICMP traffic.
3.3. $ sudo tcpdump -nnSX port 53 to get DNS traffic etc.

4. tcptrack
4.1. Shows established connections like iftop

5. iftop -i <interface>
5.1. Shows current connections, IP adresses.

6. vnstat
6.1. Looks not very useful

7. nethogs
7.1. Great programm because it shows which process connected to the internet.
7.2. $ nethogs -p

8. iptraf-ng
8.1. It is cool. $ sudo iptraf-ng d wlp1s0 monitors all types of traffic IP, TCP, ICMP, NON-IP

9. sar
Usage with 1 at the end $ sar -n DEV  1