!!! SEO improvements for yandex

Try to improve SEO for joomla webpage with webmaster.

yandex seo with seo and Web design|lower

Optimize website for yandex search engine


1. Issue: Duplicated page titles. 926 pages (46%) have the same title.

1.1. Download xls list file. Most of them are search queries. I just delete search module and will see if the problem persist.

1.2. The problem is I have vertical and horizontal menus with same article list but different urls.

1.3. And submenues is also bad pactice for joomla because article has URL consisted from submenu and another url from categories. I should not to use category llist at all but

breadcrumbs revealed categories. Joomla's SEO kills me. I have to set up rel=canonical but how?

Duplicated page descriptions is the same situation.


2. Issue: Pages excluded due to low quality. 

2.1. From indexing->Searcheble pages download xls list-> Sort it by LOW_DEMAND I've get 128 articles.